Want to to be interviewed?
As a sexual assault survivor, I have had mixed feelings about the #metoo movement. After the initial grief/empowerment, I began to feel a sense of emotional paralysis about it… and the feeling that people were becoming divided over the movement. It felt like there was still so much more to say but no safe place to say it. Certainly not online anyway. I initiated the #whatnow project to explore the humanity behind headlines and hashtags; to centre survivors and but also to hold space for those who are taking responsibility for having done harm. To do so anonymously and as part of an intimate theatrical experience
Performance Vision
#whatnow will combine the use of a form called “headphone verbatim theatre” and modern dance/movement. In headphone verbatim, the actors give voice to real-world testimonials as they hear them through earbuds live on stage. Underscoring the verbatim speech are subtle, calculated movements choreographed by Amber Funk Barton which bring the audience into the environment of the stories in an abstract way.
Each 60-70 minute piece will be followed by a professionally facilitated conversation on the theme of “what now?”.
The Interview Process
Interviews can last up to 1.5 hours but can be shorter if both you and I feel that enough information has been shared. If you feel it would be helpful, we can provide a debriefing after your interview with a counsellor or even have a counsellor present during your interview. However, this is at your discretion.
If you wish, I can send you a list of questions ahead of time so that you can formulate what you would like to say or we can leave it more open to what you want to share on the day. To keep the process organic, I might also ask questions that aren’t on my initial list, as your story might spark a more specific conversation. If you think of something after your interview, that you would like to share, we can set up a subsequent interview or you can share the information over the phone if you feel comfortable.
Privacy of your Information and Identity
At no point will your name be shared with anyone beside myself. The audio file will be stored on both my computer’s internal hard drive and on an external hard drive, which will be kept hidden and locked in my apartment. If your interview or a part of your interview ends up being used in the production, the only people who will hear your voice are myself, the sound editor, my artistic mentor and the cast of 5 performers. Your name will not be shared with any of these people. If you are concerned that your voice might be recognized by any of these people, I can use voice alteration software to disguise your voice.
Continued Consent and Communication
Before you give your interview, you will sign a consent agreement, which we will go over in detail so that you understand all that it entails. These consent forms will only be seen by you and myself. As part of this process I will continually check in with you to make sure you are still comfortable with me using your interview. You will be sent the audio clip of what parts of your interview, if any, I hope to use in the production beforehand so that you can approve them. You will also be sent a video file so that you can have more context for how your story fits into the performance. Finally, I will always be available by phone and email if you have further questions or concerns or would like to schedule a further interview or restate something in different wording. I want this to be a two-way conversation and for it to be an empowering process for all involved.
CONTACT: Please email whatnowplay@gmail.com to discuss setting up an interview.
For details on Alley Theatre's core values and engagement practices see our engagement framework.